Cleansing and Charging Crystals

Crystal cleansing and charging are popular practices in the realm of crystal healing and spirituality. Crystals can absorb and store energy, and therefore it is important to cleanse crystals to neutralise any negative energy they may have picked up. Charging practices are equally important as this will ensure the energy within the crystal does not become stagnant and is working in alignment with your intentions. 


There are several methods you can use to cleanse your crystals. It is important to note that not all of the below practices are suitable for every crystal due to their differences in physical properties. Please research the recommended cleansing practices for your specific crystal before cleansing. Don’t hesitate to contact the Team at the Temple of Solace for specific advice on the best cleansing practices for your crystal. Once you know what methods are suitable, you can use your intuition to pick one that resonates with you. Some crystals may respond better to certain methods, so I encourage you to use your intuition and experiment. Regular cleansing is recommended if you use your crystals frequently or if they are exposed to multiple energies daily (e.g. decor pieces placed in shared areas of the home).

  1. Fresh water: Hold your crystal under running water (preferably natural sources like a freshwater stream, lake or river) for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can also place your crystal in a bowl of tap water. Natural sources are better as most tap water has been filtered and chemicals added. Note: not all crystals can be cleansed with water so make sure to check if your crystal is water-safe.

  2. Saltwater: Immersing your crystals in a bowl of saltwater (preferably from the ocean) is another cleansing method. After immersing the crystals, rinse them thoroughly with clean water to remove any salt residue. Again, please check if this is suitable for your crystal before trying. 

  3. Smudging/Smoke: This method involves using smoke from sacred herbs, such as white sage or palo santo, to cleanse the crystals. Light the herb bundle or stick, let it smolder, and pass the crystals through the smoke. Visualize the smoke purifying the crystals and carrying away any negative energies. We stock some of the highest quality white sage and palo santo found in the world. Check out our ‘Cleansing, Charging and Oracle’ section from the main menu to see what we have in stock. 

  4. Sound: Sound can be used to cleanse crystals by using tools like singing bowls, bells, or even your own voice. Simply place the crystal inside a singing bowl, or hold it in your hand and create a sound near it, allowing the vibrations to envelop and cleanse the crystal.

  5. Earth: Bury your crystals in the ground for a day or longer, allowing them to connect with the stable calm energies of our mother earth. I have found both dirt and sand to be equally effective. Make sure to mark the spot where you buried them so you can find them easily. This method is particularly useful for crystals associated with grounding and stability like red jasper and obsidian. 


Charging and setting intentions with crystals is extremely beneficial to get the most out of their metaphysical properties. Crystals are a great tool to assist us on our journey of the human experience, especially when we give them a specific purpose that is in alignment to our higher self. It is best to cleanse the crystal first to remove unwanted energy, then recharge it and set your intention with how you’d like it to assist and support you. 

  1. Sunlight: Place your crystal in direct sunlight for a few hours. Under the energy of the great sun, crystals absorb the power and are recharged with new life. When you feel the recharging is done, hold the crystal in your left hand, feel the warmth of the radiating energy and give gratitude in advance for how the crystal will help you as if it has already happened (e.g. Thank you for giving me the courage to let go of false beliefs and fears keeping me stuck, and for giving me clarity on how to move towards my goals). Please note that some crystals fade when exposed to prolonged sunlight, so research the specific requirements of your crystals beforehand.

  2. Moonlight: Leave your crystals outside overnight during a full moon or a new moon. Moon energy is gentle and nurturing. Write on a piece of paper your gratitude in advance of how the crystal is going to assist you (e.g. ‘Thank you for helping me open my heart to attract the best person and love for me’). Place the piece of paper under the crystal on a windowsill, balcony, or in a garden where they are in direct sight of the moon. This method is especially effective for crystals that are associated with the moon, such as moonstone or selenite.

  3. Sound: Write down the intentions for your crystals and place the piece of paper under the crystal in a singing bowl or near a tuning fork. Use a singing bowl or tuning fork to produce a vibration to energise your crystals. This method is particularly effective for crystals that resonate with high frequencies such as amethyst or quartz.

  4. Crystal grid: If you really want to amplify the power of your intention, pick multiple crystals that resonate with you at this time. Cleanse them first and place them in a pattern on a flat surface. Let your intuition guide you to make the pattern and remember that perfection is not the key here. If you’re finding the mind taking over to make the pattern look aesthetically pleasing, pause and take a breather to get in touch with your intuition and start again. Once the crystals are in a pattern that FEELS good, light a candle and write down multiple things you would like the group of crystals to assist you with. Place the piece of paper under the centre crystal or the largest piece. Let go of the intention as if you’re handing the task over to the universe and meditate next to your crystal grid for 15-20 minutes. I have used this method many times and have found it to be a very powerful practice. It’s even better if you can remember to do it on the full or new moon.

  5. Crystal charging bowls and plates: Clear quartz and selenite are natural energy amplifiers and can be used to charge other crystals. You will often see clear quartz bowls, selenite bowls and charging plates in crystal stores that are specifically for this purpose. We source the highest quality charging plates and bowls from around the world and cleanse each piece before sending to our customers. Check out our ‘Cleansing, Charging and Oracle’ section from the main menu to see what we have in stock. Write down the intentions you would like the crystals to assist you with. Place the piece of paper under the bowl or charging plate. Place your crystals in the bowl or on the charging plate and leave them there for several hours or overnight. You will find some crystals need more time than others and you can adjust the charging time based on your intuition. The selenite or clear quartz will work to clear stagnant energy allowing them to regain their natural power and vitality, and work in alignment with the intentions.