Choosing your Crystal

Choosing a crystal is a personal and intuitive process. I have found that choosing a crystal when crystal shopping, or even just choosing one from my personal collection to meditate with each day has been enormously helpful in developing the habit of tuning into my intuition. You will find that as you practice following your intuition more and more, it will become easier over time to identify the piece that is meant for you at that moment. After choosing a crystal, my curiosity often leads me to research the metaphysical benefits and make sense of why I was drawn to it. This beautiful dance between following my intuition and researching the magic of the crystal world has expanded my self awareness immensely. 

Using your intuition

So what are some of the signs to be aware of when using your intuition? In my experience, I have found that certain colours stand out depending on what’s going on for me personally at that time. For example, if my throat chakra is out of balance and I’m having communication issues, I am often drawn to blue crystals. If I feel like I’m lacking confidence and motivation, yellow and gold pieces appear extra striking. 

It can be hard to decipher between intuition (choosing based on pure feeling) and ego (e.g. choosing a decor piece because it’s aesthetically pleasing and would impress visitors in the home). Another way to confirm if a piece is for you, is to not purchase it straight away and to let it go. If you find yourself thinking about it constantly and wanting to check if it’s still available, this often means it’s calling out to you. I have dreamt about certain pieces that I haven’t purchased immediately. If this happens and it’s still available when you check again, this can be a strong indication that it’s your special piece.

Sometimes when we intend to shop for a crystal and nothing stands out, it can be disappointing. I urge you to trust the process when this happens and know that the piece that is meant for you will come, and it can be when we least expect it. I have found a beautiful polished tiger's eye crystal in a school car park when attending a polling booth on a weekend! Remain open to all the possibilities of how and when your crystal will show up in your life.

Being gifted a crystal

Being referred to as a crystal witch (I take this as the biggest compliment) by my close friends and family, I have been gifted many crystals over the years. When we are gifted a piece of our mother earth’s jewels, you can be sure that this crystal is 100% for you. Sometimes you can be drawn to it straight away and wonder how you ever lived without it. You’re in complete awe of its power and feel like you want to take it with you everywhere you go. But, this is not always the case. 

I was gifted an extremely rare piece of Moldavite a few years ago by my beautiful sister. She had known I was curious about Moldavite and that I had been researching the benefits that others experienced when working with it. Moldavite is extremely powerful, very limited in availability and therefore very expensive, so for me this was a very special gift. But after she gave it to me, it sat on my bookshelf for months and months and I was never drawn to it. Then one day I felt like placing it on my heart chakra for a meditation. I did this every day for 2 weeks when I then found out I was pregnant with our first child. Anyone who has looked into Moldavite would have heard that it opens you up to new journeys and helps you grow tremendously in ways that you couldn’t have imagined - but only when you’re ready.  

If you are gifted a crystal, a singing bowl, an oracle deck it is because you attracted it. Attraction is how the universe works and you ending up in possession of a certain crystal is no exception to this. However if you are not drawn to it straight away, don’t be disappointed or try to force a connection. It is simply not the time to work with it. When you are ready, it will stand out to you and you will recognise clearly when the timing is right. 

Steps for choosing (using a combination of logic and intuition)

If you would like to be more prepared before going crystal shopping, I have listed some tips below that can assist you in making a decision. This is less intuition based, but it can be helpful to do some research into what may be specifically beneficial to you. This can also be useful when choosing a crystal as a gift. 

  1. Intention: Determine your intention or purpose for acquiring a crystal. Are you looking for a crystal for healing, protection, abundance, or spiritual growth? If it’s for a special person in your life, what is it that they would benefit from (e.g. more relaxation, love, self esteem)? Clarifying your intention can guide you in selecting a crystal that aligns with your needs.

  2. Research metaphysical benefits: Learn about the properties and characteristics of different crystals. Each crystal has unique energetic qualities that can support specific aspects of your life. Research online or read books about crystals to gain knowledge about their meanings, associations, and uses.

  3. Learn the chakra system: Learning the seven main chakras often comes hand in hand with learning about crystals. Each crystal is associated with one or more chakras. This doesn’t take a lot of time and can be helpful in identifying the areas of our life that are out of balance, and what chakra the issues relate to. For example, if you find yourself craving deep loving relationships yet you find opening up to people a big challenge, this can be because your heart chakra is closed. Pink and green crystals belong to the heart chakra crystal group and can assist us immensely with healing relationship trauma and helping us to remain open and receptive to attracting healthy love. 

  4. Ask for guidance: If you feel uncertain, you can ask for guidance from the universe, your spirit guides, or a higher power. Take a moment to centre yourself, ask for assistance in finding the right crystal, and remain open to any subtle messages or feelings that come to you. Remember, asking for guidance is only the first half of the equation. The answer will come when we are in a receptive state of no resistance. ‘Prayer is how you talk to god, and meditation is how god talks to you.’ - David Lynch.

Trust your instincts, explore different options, and allow the crystal to choose you as much as you choose it. Enjoy the process and embrace the journey of crystal exploration.