- Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist -

“Before a dream is realised, the soul of the world tests everything that was learned on the way.”

My name is Alanna and I am the founder of the Temple of Solace. As a little girl I was drawn to the magic of crystals. My Dad would take me to the same crystal stall at the Burleigh Heads markets on our family holiday each year. He would stand there waiting patiently as I chose my special piece. Like all innocent children, I had an amazing imagination, felt an inner worthiness and believed I could do anything in this life. Over time through trauma and conditioning I was programmed away from that natural inner knowing and lost my connection to the earth’s elements. I practised using my intuition less and listened more to my ego. I had a few traumatic experiences growing up, but for the most part I followed a life that society would class as normal. Despite never feeling truly happy, from the outside my life looked great. 

Then the year of 2019 arrived. Whether it was my Saturn return (I encourage you to look this up), or just through experiencing extreme stress from unexpected contrast like many people did at this time, my soul was forced open. Just when I thought I’d attained everything I ever wanted, all of a sudden I felt like I was losing everything. I had to learn how to appreciate life without attachment to the people and pets I loved, a home, and even my self image. This is called many different things like ego death, Saturn return, spiritual or kundalini awakening. It lasted nearly 3 years. I questioned everything - my purpose, my choices, why the world is the way it is. I questioned if my soul actually wanted the path I had chosen, or if I chose it based on self imposed limitations, and from a need for my ego to feel safe and validated. When everything I loved felt like it was being stripped away, I had no choice but to go within, ask the universe for guidance and surrender to the process. It wasn’t an easy ride, but the universe delivered a number of serendipitous events over that time to help me re-navigate my life. One of the most profound things was being randomly gifted a small box of raw crystals from my husband. Opening the box, I remembered the feeling I had as a little girl picking out a crystal at the markets with my Dad and recognising their power. I felt drawn to holding the crystals during my daily meditations and I believe that doing this marked a before and after in my life.

It is true what they say about not being able to go back once your soul has reawakened to its unconditional worthiness. This realisation can be a rough one if your life was previously built from the ego, because the universe will shake up your world and anything your ego was desperately clinging to for security or validation will fall away. But what I can promise you my friend is that this storm will bring a new level of self awareness and wisdom which will allow you to rebuild a life that is beyond what you could have dreamed of. A life full of ease, joy and abundance. You chose to be here to experience all of it - love, heart ache, happiness, despair, fulfilment, grief. There is a freedom that comes from having a clear perspective on life and the human psyche. This clarity leads to peace and forgiveness of yourself and others which is crucial to set your soul free. And there is a power that comes from experiencing pain if we allow ourselves to feel the emotion rather than suppress it. 

The earth supplies everything we need for our time here. Crystals are a powerful tool to reconnect us with the divine. They have been immensely valuable in my spiritual journey. I use them everyday for protection and inspiration, during daily meditations and for intention setting. I thrive on sourcing the best products and my hope is that they assist you along your journey just as much as they have for me.